Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Daisy red ryder bb gun accuracy test.

Today I will be testing my daisy red ryders accuracy. I will be shooting of a bench position at 3 targets 1) 5M 2) 10M and 3) 15M.The BB gun is standard except for a custom trigger spring.


                             First of all here is the gun and the target range :


Here is the result of each target shot 5 times at at a given  distance.

The red ryder is not the best BB gun on the market but for the price and build of the gun it is pretty good and would recommend this gun for anyone that is just starting to learn how to shoot rifles.

1 comment:

  1. The best air rifle are those that look and function most like the real ones. As a result,BBs rifle are available in a wide variety of types and styles to match your preferences, whether you are looking for something to shoot in the backyard or out on a range.
